Friday 10 January 2014

January Redemption

Is it possible to fail at being a blogger after only two blogs? :) I may have made history here.

Initially the no buying adventure went great. It felt great to not buy coffee, clothing, or all the Christmas related crap that gets pushed at you during the holidays. Has Christmas always been so commercial? Or have I just never stepped back from the consumerism of it all? It was so relaxing to breathe and just enjoy being with family and friends during the holidays.

But of course there was the crazy rush of sewing gifts for children this year. I have a very large family :) this year my immediate family decided to draw names so that we each 'purchased' one gift for an adult, and then gifts for young children. Why have we not done this before?! The stress of the holiday was gone. We drew names early on and it made a major difference in our holiday and how we spent the days leading up to Christmas, no waiting in lines at stores, and no stress about the prices of gifts, as we had set a price limit. I sewed some beautiful placemats for my sister in law. They are reverse appliqué, which I will never, ever do again, that is an extremely beautiful, tedious and difficult sewing technique. I still have to finish the binding on those.


Wednesday 27 November 2013

My day of gluttony

So, I didn't really mean to do this, but as my year of buy nothing looms ever closer, I have been in a shopping panic. My brain started to worry over the stupidest things really. 

For example:
Do I have enough socks?
What about undies and toothpaste?
I should run to the store and buy everything I can before tomorrow!!
And more importantly .... 

What about my RahRah Gallery Americano ?! 

Thankfully, I was able to talk myself out of going shopping crazy in the big box stores, that the Yukon has way too many of .... 
But I did buy some socks, undies, and managed to plan a barter/job trade for my coffee. 

Tomorrow I will lay out the plan for the year :) 

Saturday 23 November 2013

The idea

As I near my 35th year on this earth, I have decided to evaluate my connection to the junk that I have in my life. I feel the need to downsize the amount of stuff that is filling my house, and really take a look at my need to purchase items, and find out about the emotions that are tied to that.

I am starting a journey on November 28th 2013, to restrict my shopping, to the basic necessary items needed. Household items like laundry soap, toilet paper, groceries, pet food and pet chews.

I will not buy clothes, shoes, paper towel, or lastly, craft supplies :)